
May 18, 20201 min

DevSecOps and Cloud Security

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of giving my first virtual talk at the Black in Cybersecurity Conference. It was a super dope day, with a live-DJ waiting room, awesome panel discussing how to navigate a career in cybersecurity and some workshops on various topics. To see the whole day of conference, be sure to subscribe to their Youtube channel for when it's available.

My presentation was titled "Creating a cloud security strategy with a DevSecOps mindset" - super long title and I am working on condensing it lol. I include the "on paper" description below but basically I wanted to speak about how the cybersecurity industry is in desperate need of a cultural shift to properly address cloud security. To understand what I mean..listen below and let me know your thoughts!

Official Description

As enterprises increasingly seek the innovation & business growth opportunities cloud adoption can provide, many are discovering it comes with numerous new security challenges that stagnate, block or even reverse strategic digital transformation initiatives. This talk is aimed at answering the question of how security and IT teams can sufficiently prepare and monitor their environments to ensure the shift to the cloud be as clean and efficient as possible with the agility of DevSecOps.
